Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One Step Closer to Total World Domination! *insert evil laugh here*

Hello! I have had a blog in the past but I decided to restart this after a long period of inactivity. Putting my thoughts on paper has always been challenging for me so I am going to give this another try.

Anyways, here are some things I like. I like baseball and am a big fan of the LA Dodgers, I follow politics although they often annoy me often, I am a Conservative, Pro-life republican, (although because they annoy me, I plan to stay away from political posts. x_x) I am a pastor's son, my faith means a lot to me, I am an LCMS Lutheran and I finished confirmation a few years ago.
I don't have many games yet but I am enjoying my new Nintendo DSi and our family's Nintendo Wii. I like reading, I enjoy classic books a lot. Some of my favorite books are the Lord of the Rings series, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Horatio Hornblower Series and a lot of others. I know a bit of HTML and want to get better at that along with learning CSS. I cannot think of anything else.

I hope to post more soon.
